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Apr 1, 2003

Page Count

384 Pages





Lucien St. Aubyn and Elizabeth Montclair hate each other-well, perhaps not hate, but something akin to a strong loathing. Lucien sees Elizabeth as the biggest snob who ever danced upon Society’s floors. She is proud, arrogant, the epitome of everything he despises-and the only woman who has ever resisted his charms. He devises a plan to seduce her, only to have it backfire.

Elizabeth feels that Lucien might well be the Anti-Christ. Suspected of killing his brother for the ducal title and known for charming every woman he meets out of her skirts, Elizabeth only sees Lucien for the degenerate and rake that he is and would rather cut off her limbs than to have anything to do with such a hateful man. When the two are caught alone by a woman who wastes no time in telling Elizabeth’s mother, Elizabeth’s worse fear comes true-she must marry a rake.